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Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc

AAPNZ Wellington Mid-Winter Dinner Celebration

  • 16 Jul 2019
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Restaurant & Bar 1815, Wellesley Boutique Hotel, 2-8 Maginnity Street

AAPNZ Wellington Group invites you to

An evening of networking and making new connections!

  • Meet your new GMT for 2019-20
  • People Bingo!
  • Socialising with other fabulous Wellington administrators

When: Tuesday 16 July, from 5pm until approximately 7pm

Where: Restaurant & Bar 1815, Wellesley Boutique Hotel, 2-8 Maginnity Street

Cost: approximately $35 depending on your choice ($15 deposit to secure your spot, balance paid on the night)

RSVP: 12 July 2019 with order to Lyn Herriot 

Dinner menu

Dessert menu

PO Box 5431

Lambton Quay

Wellington 6145