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Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc

AdmiNZ Hawkes Bay - Mood Balance - 22 July Napier

  • 22 Jul 2021
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Conference Room, Hawkes Business Hub, 36 Bridge Street, Ahuriri, Napier


Registration is closed

AdmiNZ Hawkes Bay invites you to our next event featuring Dana and Amanda of Enhanced Wellbeing for a lunch time session talking about all things Mood Balance.

These two dynamic women are a collaboration of knowledge and vision.

Your wellbeing is high priority. If you are seeking change, solutions,

and answers, how can you know the information you are getting is genuine?

Dana and Amanda have walked their own holistic health journeys. Taking those lived experiences to the next level with education and personal development, these registered experts have created something truly special.

Combining a vision for accessible, mainstreamed holistic healthcare with a science-based approach and their dynamic personalities, Enhanced Wellbeing is the result of passion, knowledge, and nurture.

Bring along your lunch, a friend or colleague and let’s enjoy listening and learning and of cause catching up with one another again.

Tickets are limited so do not delay.

PO Box 5431

Lambton Quay

Wellington 6145